Embracing change
From an idea to its implementation
Re-think and shape the future
For your business, professional and personal development
I support decision-makers and creative people at the intersection of transformation, innovation and leadership with the aim of navigating change in an innovative, analytical and empathetic way and creating positive impact
»We can not direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails.«
Let us re-think your strategy, ideas, projects, business models and - processes courageously together and implement them successfully
– embracing change
more successfully!
Our collaboration
Individual or in a team
You will advance your ideas, projects and business models more successfully.
Individual I Target-oriented I Inspiring
Tackling your challenges, with methodology, expertise, inspiration and network.
Embracing change more successfully
You will act more authentically, calmly and decisively, embracing changes with more ease.
Consulting I Strategy, Innovation, Leadership
Coaching I Personal - and Team Empowerment
With a unique and inspiring approach to your challenges, I will support you in rethinking your ideas, projects and business models/- processes. In a human-centered manner.
The collaboration is targeting a shift towards leadership and culture that embraces change more calmly, with greater determination and success, creating a positive impact.
Hi, I am happy to briefly present myself:
My name is Anita Chatterjee. I am of German/ Indian origin, a nomad at the bottom of my heart. I live in Germany. My compass is authenticity, respect, openess and connectivity aiming to create a secure environment to enable decision makers and creative people to further develop and release creativity and leadership in current transformation processes.
Do you want to know more?
Testimonial - Industry
Dr. Anita Chatterjee convinced us in all her managerial roles within Vallourec Group, in Germany, France and Brazil. Result-oriented, she tackled strategic and operational challenges with her profound professional knowledge, her remarkable business acumen, as well as her creativity and imagination for innovation. In combination with her convincing negotiation style and her pleasant and cooperative personality, she was an excellent colleague: technically and personally.
Dr. Flavio Azevedo
Former Chief of Technology, Research & Development and Innovation, Vallourec Group
Testimonial - Humanitarian sector
I worked with Anita during her latest humanitarian mission in Gaza. Anita has successfully managed a team by leading by example, motivating and empowering team members, communicating in a transparent and respectful way towards colleagues and partners. Her positivity, creativity, systematic analytical approach and inspirational leadership have contributed to the rethinking and improvement of our strategy to advance our humanitarian objectives in a short time. Her dynamism, patience, cultural adaptability, warm smile and genuine caring make Anita one of the most inspiring female change leaders I have met.
Marietta Provopoulou
Former Head of Mission Palestine
Medécins Sans Frontières Spain
Your objectives
To Act future-oriented
Innovation strategy I -management
In times of upheaval, you will gain new courage and we will rethink, define and implement your strategy, ideas, projects and business models/processes.
To Navigate successfully through change
Leadership I Personal and Team Empowerment
Your compass of values - clearly and transparently defined - your awareness, capability and competence helps you to navigate more successfully through
times of change and to
implement your objectives.
To Communicate at eye level
Leadership I Innovation culture
Lead your team with an innovative
and analytical approach:
empathetic, determined and relaxed.
To Be Present
Personal and Team Empowerment
Make more conscious choices based on your inner beliefs. Your well-being and your connectedness to yourself is crucial for this.
To be Adaptable and Flexible
Innovation management I - processes
Respond to changes proactively and adapt your course continuously - with methodology, expertise and network.
My Engagement
Specialized I Target-oriented
Re-think your strategy in uncertain times, define it and implement it, innovatively, analytically and empathetically - with methodology and expertise.
Authentic I Determined I Act calmy
Your compass of values, your capacity and competence, enables the alignment of your strategy, ideas, projects, and business models and helps to implement them successfully— supported by training
Regenerating I Inspiring
Impulses and supporting methods for regeneration and inspiration positively contribute to your daily working routine.
Cooperating I Complementary
A network of experts from a wide range of different sectors expands and complements my methodology and expertise as well as training offers.
In order to tackle your challenge successfully, we jointly tune our collaboration - individually and purposefully.
Initial contact
Are you looking for support to tackle your challenge successfully? If so, we should get to know each other.
Call me or send an email to make an appointment.